Get Lost… In the wilderness

In today’s day and age where everyone, including me, have become a victim of technology and the internet, practically hooked onto our gadgets, in the bathroom, while having breakfast, while commuting, while at work and finally at the day’s end, after a tiring day you get back home, change, eat and “prepare” to go to bed, you snuggle up into your comforter, all lights off but one! There’s this one light that lights up your tired face and otherwise a dark room, your smartphone! Hours go by even without realizing.

The point is, all our lives are influenced by all the buzz around us. World politics, war, Hollywood, Gossips, commercial music created by technology, news and propaganda. We inadvertently and subconsciously have all these things going on in our mind without much effort. We have become so busy that we ignore ourselves, we don’t listen to ourselves anymore. We as human beings have a one great power which is consciousness, it’s time to put that to work.

So what can we do? Let’s slow down our lives a bit, take a deep breath, skip the nightclub and go out for a hike outside your city, there would be plenty of natural trails, camp for a night. Get back to your roots, talk to yourself and be one with nature. Pay attention to all the sounds, sights and smells that you otherwise wouldn’t get in our urban jungle. Talk to yourself and introspect, retrospect and be at peace with yourself. The hike would be tough but worth it. The whole experience, I would call it, self-revelation.



Now imagine waking up to a sunrise that is breathtaking. Just you, maybe a few friends, not too many. No technology, no Wi-Fi. Just you and nature. You sure would experience a deep emotional connect with yourself. When this happens, this journey would have served its purpose and you would return as a changed person. Someone with a better control of his/her life and someone who would be better aware of everything around and within.

Take a deep breath and get lost… In the wilderness!


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