Kick starting your journey with photography

Did you ever stop and stare at a photograph? Just thinking about how beautiful it came out to be? How the photographer caught the image in his mind first? What lighting and composition did he use? Well, you can do it too! Like any craft takes practice to perfect, this too require lots of time and effort in order to master. But this doesn’t suffice to say that you are absolutely perfect now because photography is an art form that has no boundaries and limitations like most of the other creative art forms.

So, now you are interested and really want to get started with it but don’t know how to? This post is going to help you with just that. The points listed below are taken from my very own experience at starting with photography. I will just highlight 3 easy to follow steps which are non-technical and easy to understand.

  • Do not go ahead and buy an expensive camera!

Yes, you read that right! What most of the people do is go and buy themselves an expensive DSLR which they are not familiar with. My point here is, most of the people today, own a smart phone that has a decent enough camera with some basic functions that can produce images that are worthy enough to post on social media. Start exploring your phone camera. Do it everyday, whenever you get the time. Tweak settings and keep clicking! This way you can start and there’s no better way than starting with what you have in hand. Photography is more about you and less about the camera that you have!

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  • Start looking at things differently.

Start looking at everyday objects with a bit more attention. There are plenty of options all around you. Doesn’t matter if you are walking to school, taking a tram ride to work or just going for an early morning jog at a nearby park! You can flip out your phone and just click anything that catches your eye, it can be as simple as a lamp-post or even your friend holding a cup of coffee while sitting at a coffee shop. When looking at everyday things, try to frame the image in your mind before going for the shot. Ask yourself one main question, “What am I trying to capture here?” You will have a better idea and you will be happy about your result once you are able to answer this question.


  • Take as many photos as you can.

The best way to perfect this art is by taking multiple shots of each subject while trying different settings each time and evaluating the outcome. In the end you can choose what kind of image with what setting looks better than the rest. This point holds true for taking photographs every day. Capture frames every single day. Many of them! You wouldn’t have the fear of running out of film so you might as well make the most of it!

The main idea of this post is to help you to start off with photography first, just the basics and nothing fancy. If this has helped you in any way, I would be really happy to hear from you. I would be posting the next steps on how to continue clicking which would be a bit more technical. So until then, keep clicking!

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